Our SDGs

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Youth and children make up the majority of those living in extreme poverty. Sport has been  shown to reduce youth crime and antisocial behavior (Kelly, 2012). 

Children engaged in sports are more motivated, interested, and involved in school, resulting in  long-term poverty reduction (UN DESA, 2020). 

At The Tony Foundation, we recognize that youth and children facing extreme poverty deserve  opportunities for positive change. Sport serves as a powerful vehicle for social transformation  and educational enhancement, particularly for those living in poverty-stricken circumstances.  Our mission is to make sport development accessible to young Rwandans, irrespective of their  location or financial status. 

Through our initiatives, we also contribute to job creation across the nation, fostering human  capital growth. This not only generates income in rural areas but also propels the soccer industry, directly benefiting the economy.

Adequate nutrition is essential for both sports’ participation and personal development. 

Many studies have shown that ‘physical activity, athletic performance, and recovery from  exercise are all enhanced upon appropriate nutrition’ (Tesema & Mohan, 2018). 

Sport-based initiatives hold the potential to mobilize resources, elevating the quality of sports  development. 

At The Tony Foundation, we provide nutritious meals during extracurricular training sessions,  empowering children to reach their full potential across all facets of life.  

Our commitment goes beyond athletic training, recognizing that holistic development includes  nutritional support.  

Moreover, we emphasize educating children about the value of healthy nutrition and sustainable  food sources.

Rwanda is a country with a predominantly young population, securing the health of the youth is  paramount. 

Sport-based education programs ‘are a viable platform for health education, including for hard to-reach groups, particularly to disseminate information on sexual and reproductive health,  alcohol and substance abuse, as well as communicable diseases such as malaria and  HIV/AIDS’ (EFDN, 2020). 

Sports have proven to play a multifaceted role in enhancing societal well-being. Active, healthy  children are more resilient against diseases and more likely to become healthy, productive  adults.  

We consider promoting healthy lifestyles and the values of sport as integral to our mission. Our  initiatives create awareness about health and provide support to young girls and boys when  they require medical assistance. 

Physical activities and sports values have been identified as effective tools in achieving high-quality education, gender equality, and the inclusion of girls. 

While being fun and enjoyable, children are more motivated to attend school. 

By increasing focus and energy levels, sport can lead to better student performance. 

We are implementing athletic development programs in both primary and secondary schools, providing opportunities for every Rwandan child. 

This will help reduce drop-out rates and increase inclusion, focus, and participation, leading to success in other educational aspects such as literacy, math, and science. 

We promote quality education through the values of sport, equality, inclusion, and hard work.

Sport is a powerful platform for gender equality and inclusion (IOC Gender Equality Review  Project, 2018). 

Gender equality lies at the heart of The Tony Foundation’s mission. We place a strong emphasis  on empowering girls and addressing gender inequalities through professional development,  participatory empowerment, and leadership encouragement. By fostering an environment where  boys and girls train side by side and empowering women as leaders within our program, we are  committed to creating a balanced and equitable society. 

Currently, our efforts have already impacted the lives of 60,000 individuals. However, our vision  extends even further, as we aspire to empower 300,000 individuals by the year 2025. 

Our commitment to gender equality is embodied by the active participation and leadership of  girls and women in all facets of our initiatives. 

Sport, encompassing sporting events, offers an avenue for celebrating diversity and eradicating  discrimination. Those involved in sports have a vital role in leveraging their platform to challenge  discriminatory practices, promote inclusivity, and foster acknowledgment. 

At The Tony Foundation, we perceive equality as the bedrock of our initiatives. It’s a pervasive  matter that transcends urban-rural divides, financial disparities, and gender distinctions. 

Our ambition is clear: to embed equality and inclusiveness within the very core of sports values  that we promote during our tournaments. 

This presents a harmonious opportunity for both sports’ development and the advancement of  equality. Its impact resonates not only within the children but extends to their communities,  leaving no one marginalized.

Sport is a truly global phenomenon, and as such, it benefits from a global network of private companies, governmental bodies, and non-governmental organizations. 

We provide various expertise to encourage and develop Rwandan youth while building international relations across multiple state.